COVID Protocols

These protocols apply to all singers, volunteers and employees.

Rock Voices has operated throughout the pandemic with the health and safety of our community at the forefront of our minds. As we move forward, we are loosening our covid policies, but we are mindful that cases are rising in many of the communities in which our choirs are located.

Here are our covid policies for 2024 rehearsals and concerts:

  • On the morning of any concert, all performers should test before leaving home. If you test positive, please stay home.
  • Beginning with the spring 2024 season, which starts in late January, we will not require proof of covid vaccination. However, we still strongly encourage anyone who is feeling unwell to stay home.
  • If you have covid, please do not return to in-person rehearsals until you test negative two days in a row.

There are many options for viewing virtual rehearsals, and these are an excellent learning tool that helps protect your fellow singers throughout the season. Email us at if you need more information about accessing a virtual rehearsal.

We remain ever mindful of those among us with health issues, and those who are immunocompromised. We want Rock Voices to continue to be a safe space for all. We need your help to make that happen, as we are a community that thrives only when we take care of ourselves and each other.

If you realize you have been exposed to covid, please notify us by emailing so we can notify your fellow choir members. We will not identify you in that situation.